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Kamis, 11 September 2008

Why You Need a Large Bird Cage For Your Parrot

Imagine being an African Grey, or any other parrot or bird and caged up all your life in a small space. It is not a happy place, especially when you have wings and mother nature intended you to fly free. But as we know, keeping birds domesticated is sometimes good for themselves too. At least, they are well fed, free from the dangers of the wild, and much loved by their owners.
So we owe it to our pet birds to give them the best and most comfortable accommodation we can afford. And the first thing we should think about is space. The bird needs to spread its wings and move about to exercise. So provide a big cage for the bird of its size.
A Macaw would need a cage at least three feet long and five feet wide. Other parrots like Amazons, African Greys, Conures, Cockatoos, also require large cages to make them comfortable. Do remember that these parrots live for a very long time, so a comfortable cage will ensure that they live a happy life. Consider the space available in your home before you make a purchase. Some bird owners build a walk-in aviary outside their home where they keep their birds during the warmer seasons. That would be an ideal situation if your property is big enough to accommodate it.
Bird cages that are made of stainless steel or metal are the most convenient because they are easier to clean and maintain, and will not damage easily, especially with the larger birds. You will need to clean the cage regularly so do consider the materials used for the cage.
It is very convenient to purchase a large bird cage today because they are easily available online. But if you prefer to visit a pet store or specialty bird store, they can be quite an experience too because you can choose and compare. But if you have a big space to spare in your home, you might want to consider a custom built bird cage.

By Azmi Adnan

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